St. Mark's Lutheran Church
Sabillasville, Maryland

I am the way and the truth and the life.
John 14:6
Have you been searching? Are you burnt out? Do you feel spiritually empty? Have you experienced emotional suffering? These are but some of the reasons why we as families or individuals start looking for a church. While our reasons for searching are diverse, the solution to our quest is not. We need to experience love. That's right...love. We may need to be reminded that we are loved by God, unconditionally; that nothing we have done in the past can separate us from that love. Others may be in a quest to find it for the first time. Some may have been part of a church for a time and served so diligently that 'doing church' had become a second job. Or that 'doing church' has not been as spiritually fulfilling as it once was. Still others have encountered such a deep hurt in their lives, that it seems like nothing will help.
God's love is something that can heal, restore, forgive, and fill you to overflowing. That's the message we try to focus on at St. Mark's. So that all who might be on a quest...will be able to find the only thing that can truly make a difference in life. It's all about God's love, for you!
Services & Events
Click on the Events for more details.
Sunday Morning service is at
9:15 AM.
All services are held in person.
Last Sunday of Each Month: Muffins with the Minister at 9:15 AM
This service is in the church social hall and includes breakfast. We are currently watching the series 'The Chosen'.
July 18: Senior Lunch at 11:30 AM. For those 55+, join us for a potluck lunch. Entree is provided. Bring a dish, dessert or drink to share.
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Youth Group
St. Mark's host Mountain Top Youth Group events with St. John's UCC.
No current events